Sunday, October 26, 2008

October 2008 Family Letter

Though Annie's baby was due October 9th, he decided he couldn't wait and came on September 30th. This is her first baby, and our eighth grand child. He weighed 7 lbs. 2.4 oz. and is just adorable!, of course. They tossed around a lot of names, but since their last name is Smith they didn't want anything popular. They didn't want a name that could be shortened so that shortened the list as well. They finally came up with Devon Joseph Smith and call him Devon, as his daddy's name and grandpa's name is also Joseph. So far I only hear Annie call him Baby. I think he was "Baby" for so long that she can't get used to his real name. The funniest thing ever was that one day when I was there I heard her call him Baby much for not shortening his name. It cracked me up. All three are doing well. I'm so proud of the new parents; they are as attentive and as cute as can be. Joe jumps right in there with his fatherly duties...very cute to watch. He picks up the slack around the house, too, doing dishes, etc. I'm glad they are in town. It's been a great year having all of my grand children in town for the very first time; and the oldest one is almost 12.

Early this month Katy had her sonogram telling her the sex of her baby...a girl! But the doctor told her to sit down and listen carefully. Then he proceeded to tell her that her baby had a cyst on her brain, a flap on her kidney, and something about crystallization on her heart. Well, the poor parents fall apart of course. They called us that day, a Wednesday, so we decided to drive to San Diego for the weekend and have them meet us, and feel them out to see how they were handling this very scary situation. It was the same weekend as the Boutique, but I had already decided not to do it because I didn't want it to get in the way of Annie's baby, not knowing when he would arrive. I was going to just sit at the boutique and see if people would order anything from me. I didn't think they would...knowing that my things are probably pure impulse, but I thought it would be a good experiment. Then when we decided to go see Katy and Jim I figured it would definitely be even a better experiment. As expected I only got three orders...I think 14 dozen cookies. At least now I know that it doesn't work to leave order forms. I still don't know if it would work to just sit there and talk to people and fill out order forms. I don't know if I will try that or not.

Back to the boat...Jim gave Katy a really nice blessing; and I was glad that Paul was there to help and that we were there to hear the blessing. We had a great weekend, as usual, when they are with us. They were in good spirits, so we were glad to be with them and know that first-hand. They decided to get a second opinion on the condition of their unborn baby. The appointment was Monday and the doctor said something like, "Yes, there is a little freckle on the heart, and these other issues...well...they always, always, always, go away. You have a perfectly healthy baby." Can you even imagine the great relief that all of us felt? Prayer and Priesthood blessings work.

You remember how much I love autumn leaves? Well, Paul said last week, "Let's go to Salt Lake to see the leaves." So we left Friday, spent the night in Vegas, and then came on to Salt Lake. Paul's grand folks and mom are from Woodruff, so we decided to drive up there for church today and see the leaves on the way to and from. We took Paul's mom with us and she was able to visit a few minutes with a cousin, so that was nice. Most of the leaves were gone from the trees, but there were a few stretches of really lovely scenery...totally worth the trip. We also met Kay and Dave for dinner last night. We haven't been here for quite some time, and it is always nice to get back to Salt Lake, even if I don't know my way around any more. We started at Modern Display, buying some really fun Christmas ornaments. Can't resist. I'm an addict. Tomorrow I am going to go with my high school girlfriend, LeNea, to her cabin in Oakley. We will be alone until Tuesday night when the men join us. Then the next day Paul and I will head home, hoping to see more leaves. Our dear neighbors in Tucson, who moved several years ago, are now living in Provo, so we will stop to visit them. (Mary Bradford, 95, who I used to visit teach, and her daughter and son-in-law, Mary Lou and Bill Bingham). Then we will stay in Vegas again, getting home in plenty of time to rest up a bit before square dancing.

Speaking of square dancing, the night before we left for Salt Lake we hosted our square dance club at our house because the church where we usually go was holding some function, so we got bumped. Rather than skipping the class and the dance, we just volunteered to have it at our house. Our grand daughters came down and watched while their parents were in class. They had a ball...trying to learn the steps themselves. Afterwards Heidi said, "If you and grandpa and mom and dad and me and Emily come, and you get two more people, we can learn to square dance." I overheard Jane telling Annie on the phone, "I hate to admit it but square dancing is really fun?"

So there is the newest news for the month.


Kate said...

fun post mom, you sure do have a lot going on!

annieareyouok said...

thanks for the shout out Mom! i love reading your blog. you do such a great job! now all you need is a picture of you in your square dance outift ;)