Monday, October 20, 2008

August 2008 Family Letter

We began the month with a business trip to Florida, staying with the Carlton’s again. They live in a beautiful neighborhood, and I always look forward to being there and walking the streets first thing each morning. It’s so much nicer than a treadmill. There is certainly something to be said for all the greenery, ferns for ground-cover, included. And to think that Paul’s grandmother had to really baby along one lone fern as a house-plant. I could live in Florida, at least during the non-hurricane season.
Ben was on a school break this month so came and stayed with us from the 20th-30th. Usually he goes to his in-laws, which are now x-in-laws, help get the kids up and off to school, then goes back and picks them up, gets them dinner at our house or “out” and then takes them back to Elizabeth Elena’s house at bedtime. This time she wanted him to pick the kids up as soon as he got into town, and keep them the whole time, including over-night. I thought it was a selfish thing on her part, but he was OK with it. He loved it, as a matter of fact, and said it was the best break he had had in a long time. It was because not once did he have to interact with his x-in-laws, and he got to have the kids longer. It was a little more stressful for me, having all seven of my grandchildren under roof at the same time, because Ben’s are even pickier eaters than Jane’s, and they are allowed to stay up way too late. But if it was better for Ben, then so be it. Elizabeth Elena really got to miss the kids though, so it may not happen this way again. They’ll have to work something out. We had quite a bit of time with Ben, so that was a bonus for us. I think he got to see his sisters quite a bit also. If he passes his classes, he will only have two more semesters until he is finished. Then we’ll see. He just finished and passed Pharmacology…thought it would kill him…but he survived. I can’t remember the class he has right now, but the last one will be pathology. That should be interesting.
We spent Sunday afternoon with some friends from square dancing. Along with family they invited several couples for a bar-b-q. It was very nice, and we were glad to be included. It was a pot-luck. They furnished the hamburgers, hotdogs, and bratwurst, and soda. I let them know ahead of time that I could bring some homemade whole wheat buns for the meat. The bread recipe is so good, and the dough is really easy to work with. I will never buy another hamburger bun again. Plus…a batch doesn’t take all that long to make; I did it between getting home from morning church and when we had to leave. No big deal. And because most people don’t bake, they were a real hit. I want to keep these letters to one page, so time’s up.