Saturday, September 6, 2008

Thoughts on Love

In my reading, I keep finding thoughts that I really like and decided that adding them to my blog would be a good place to store them...a place for me to find them easily and be able to re-read them. I may have several categories when all is said and done, but for now, my first heading will be "Thoughts on Love". Today's quote came from The Ensign, August 2007, by Elder Bruce C. Hafen (Of the Seventy) and Marie K. Hafen, p. 28. "In the little kingdom of a family, each spouse freely gives something the other does not have and without which neither can be complete and return to God's presence. Spouses are not a soloist with an accompanist, nor are they two solos. They are the interdependent parts of a duet, singing together in harmony at a level where no solo can go." And later in the article, same page, a journal entry, which became the last of John Haslem Clark of Manti, Utah, in 1921: "We are alone, We two. We two whom destiny has made one. Long ago, it has been sixty years since we met under the June trees. I kissed you first. How shy and afraid was your girlhood. Not any woman on earth or in heaven could be to me what you are. I would rather you were here, woman, with your gray hair, than any fresh blossom of youth. Where you are is home. Where you are not is homesickness. As I look at you I realize that there is something greater than love, although love is the greatest thing in earth. It is loyalty. For were I driven away in shame you would follow. If I were burning in fever your cool hand would soothe me."


Jim said...

thank you for posting. A true thought, that many have but do not express. And if you stop and take a look around, it's plain as day.

Jeanne said...

I agree with Jim. Thanks for sharing.