Thursday, March 5, 2009

I Finally Finished Charlie's Afghan

When our children were born I crocheted each of them an afghan to be brought home from the hospital in, and also to be blessed in. (Never end a sentence with a preposition.), of course I wanted to do the same thing for our grandchildren. I wanted the afghans to be different colors or patterns so they could tell them apart within their families. I chose white for Katy's first-born and got started months and months ago because I knew that with boutique and Christmas and other projects I had going, it would be tight, time-wise, in getting it finished by the time the baby was born. Before I added the border I measured it because it seemed awfully small. It was. I added more to the length, but that threw off the count for the border. I decided to set it aside and start all over with new yarn and a new pattern because that one had gotten too frustrating. I loved the new pattern and it was moving along nicely, but Charlie came early...instead of March 5th, she was born on February 10th. We had planned on going to a Square Dance Festival in Yuma the 13th-15th, which we did because there was no need for me to go and help Katy and the baby while they were still in the hospital. Since Katy had a C-section, and Charlie was in NICU, I still had some time to finish the afghan. I crocheted instead of taking down the Christmas tree ornaments, on the way to and from the Festival, on the way here to Burbank, while watching TV, etc. and finally finished it day before her original due date. Yeah!!!


findingbenjamin said...

Go MOM! xo b

Kim said...

It's beautiful! We love the one you made for Abby.

Kate said...

it's beautiful mom...i love it and i know Charlie will cherish it too. Can't wait for the blessing.

Nicole said...

Hi Nancy!
What a beautiful afghan. We treasure the one that you made for Jacqueline & each of our children have used it on their blessing day. It is fun to finally see your blog. I heard Dana & Linda talking about it and those beautiful grandbabies while I was down in Simi visiting a few weeks ago. I will send you an invite to our blog. Hope you are doing well.