Tuesday, July 29, 2008

July 2008 Family Letter

July 2008 Family Letter

Dear Family,
It seems like I start each family letter with the same thing…I can’t believe how fast the month has flown.
We began the month with a fun little get-away to San Diego. Paul knows how much I love fireworks, so he tries really hard to make sure I have the opportunity to see good ones. We are fortunate that we “park” our boat at the Sea World Marina because they have fireworks every night during the summer months. Just a little 5-10 minute show, but always wonderful. We were told that they were going to have a big display on the 3rd this year, as well as the 4th of July, so we took the pontoon boat out to get a better view. They were fabulous, and I wondered if they could get any better the next night. They actually were better, but maybe only because they were ten minutes longer. Our friends from Simi Valley came over to meet their kids at Sea World. Their kids were flying in from Salt Lake. Parry and Linda drove over, of course, but their kids’ flight got delayed, so we were able to have them go to lunch with us. Bonus. We invited all of them to come for fireworks but the kids wanted to stay at Sea World, plus they were concerned about the rocking of the boat because a couple of them get seasick. So Parry and Linda came back after their afternoon at Sea World. Linda said she had never had such a good seat for fireworks before and thought these were the best she had ever seen. I’m so glad it all worked out. Good friends are such a blessing.
Jane had a couple of little scares. She had buckled all the kids in the car but then realized she needed to go back in the house to get something. She hopped out of the car and began walking. Heidi started shouting, “Mom! Mom!” Jane turned around to see the car rolling backwards. She ran to get the car stopped and a small branch punctured her leg. Her bad leg, wouldn’t you know…the one where the lymph nodes had been removed. And she got all scratched up and bruised. The door to the car got bent all the way back, but thankfully the kids did not get hurt. She limped around here for days, but is now back to her usual running up the stairs. At some point during the whole ordeal her doctor felt the need to have her get an MRI. He scared us all by saying he was worried that there might be cancer on the brain. She had the MRI…there was nothing. Whew! The moral of the story is…even though we have all been praying for her, and her melanoma no longer exists, and she is off chemo, prayer is still needed…always needed. So please keep her name on your prayer list.


Kate said...

Wished we could have been there for the fireworks. I'm not sure I love them as much as you, actually I probably do it's just I'm not ready to admit it yet. I didn't get to see any fireworks for the fourth. So sad.